September 2020 Prayer Letter 2020年9月プレイヤーレター


“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” delcares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9


As we entered into September, God has give us several new ministry opportunities.

A few Sundays ago, we visited a church of my former co-worker, who also recently became a foster parent. That church runs a “Kodomo Shokudo” (kids’ cafeteria), and the leader is also a foster parent, who happens to be one of our assigned fostering mentors for our area. Miku went to observe their ministry last week, and was able to learn some things about how we might be able to start one in our area.

A couple days after visiting that church, our “Divine Encounter #3” told us that his church/facility wants to start a Kodomo Shokudo, passing out meals to the needy families in the area. He invited us to join him in starting this ministry, perfect timing that can only be explained by God’s direction.




Also this month, a camera crew came to our place to shoot an interview for a video to promote fostering. We will probably only appear on the video for 20 seconds or so, and we couldn’t mention our faith or anything, but our “Genealogy From Adam to Jesus” poster is in the background! The video will be posted on YouTube and shown at events to recruit foster families, so we pray that it be a good witnessing tool and raise awareness about fostering amongst other believers.


Finally, as our Christian foster families network is growing, we had our first 4-person online prayer meeting this month. We are planning to gather in person as well, and pray together on Orphan Sunday in November.


A lot of our plans were on hold due to COVID, but suddenly God has been opening up doors. And due to COVID, there are even more needy people than before, and we would love to share God’s grace with them. We appreciate your continued prayers! 


Please pray for us!

Here are our prayer requests:
・For wisdom as parents in raising Amana, Emma, and Joshua in the Lord
・That our Christian fostering network will continue to grow, and that we can encourage each other and share the gospel with our children
・That we can prepare well for starting up the Kodomo Shokudo
Thank you so much, and God bless!





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